Executive and expert meeting between TELKOMSAT and AGASAT has been conducted on September 22nd, 2021 with hybrid meeting, off-line and on-line meeting by both parties. It is a honor for Mr. Andjar Firmansjah as AGASAT CEO to attend the meeting off line at TELKOMSAT head office in Bogor, while Mrs. Asmiati Rasyid as AGASAT CTO joining with on-line meeting from Canada. The main agenda of the meeting is exploring business opportunities of LEO (low earth orbit) satellite trend as new revenue streams in broadband internet and IoT while exposing TELKOMSAT as leader in Asian market for LEO.

It is a honor for us to introduce AGASAT to TELKOMSAT. Founded in September, 2021 led by Andjar Firmansjah as the CEO and also as one of Founders. PT AGASAT is private company in Indonesia, specialized in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Advanced Satellite Communications Systems for Broadband Internet and IoT. Our main business focuses on R&D, developing and manufacturing network equipment systems for satellite communication system, system integrator, and Consultant. Eventually, AGASAT will build User Terminal and Mini 5G Cellular Network designated for Rural and Remote Areas that can be integrated and compatible with specific Indonesian LEO satellites.
The meeting discuss thoroughly fact and finding about LEO satellite and profiling some major LEO players in the world. Mostly reviewing the global LEO players marketing strategy and how TELKOMSAT as Indonesian satellite player anticipate such conditions and become market leader within Asian countries.
Technical information about LEO satellite such as its capacity and comparing with estimated bandwidth demand has been elaborated by AGASAT expert including bandwidth price strategy to enter the market and how to maintain as the market leader.

At the end of the meeting, Mrs. Rasyid conclude as follows:
- LEO satellite constellations opens massive business opportunities as a new engine for driving revenue streams in satellite-based broadband Internet and IoT.
- High CAPACITY , low LATENCY, and low Cost, LEO will change satellite-based industry for good.
- LEO will drive demand tremendously in all sectors ( government, military, and commercial)
- LEO will increase significantly Total Addressable Market (TAM)
- LEO will change competition landscape : new entrances vs incumbent GEO players
- Challenges to Enter LEO market : spectrum frequency and orbit, timing to enter the market, investment issues, and vertical integration.
Please contact AGASAT for further information.