AGASAT and Telkom University held a series webinar about LEO (low earth orbit) for TelU’s Distinguished Scholars Program (DISCHO). The webinar consists of two seasons covers technical and business side of new LEO satellite on May 24th and May 27th 2022 respectively.
The first season about Delivering 5G Everywhere With Next Generation LE) Satellite Constellation Systems provided by Ir. Gaguk Zakaria, MSEE, Ph.D from Mobile Satellite Division, Hughes Network Systems. The event held on May 24th, 2022 with Ir. Achmad Ali Muayyadi, M.Sc, Ph.D. as moderaator.
The second season on May 27th 2022 by AGASAT’s CTO Dr. Ir. Asmiati Rasyid, M.Sc. about Teknologi Konstelasi LEO Mengubah Model Bisnis dan Peta Persaingan with Dr. Nachwan M. Adriansyah, M.T. as moderator.
Hopefully more webinar about LEO satellite can be provided by AGASAT for other institutions in Indonesia, since we believe LEO satellite will be the next major factor in the next coming years.